My Girl
Ann Cusack, Stacey Don

My Girl




A woman who was sexually abused by her own father and later gave birth to his daughter is now running a support group which spans 50 countries and has tens of thousands of supporters. Stace Don, now 35, was taken into foster care as a baby. For seven years, she lived an idyllic life, believing her foster parents were her real parents. But a chance encounter with her natural father, Nigel Taylor, shattered her happiness and she was later moved from her foster home and away from the family she loved.  Upset that she had been lied to, and confused about her own identity, Stace spent the remainder of her childhood flipping between different homes. Aged 17, she visited Taylor and he refused to let her leave. What began as physical and mental abuse quickly took a more sinister turn when Taylor began sexually assaulting his daughter. He paraded her as his partner publicly, and even viewed a show-home where he said they would live as a couple. Stace fell pregnant with his baby aged 18 and, despite her shock, was determined to keep her baby. Nigel Taylor was jailed for seven years in April 2011 at Basildon Crown Court after admitting sexual activity with a child family member. Against the odds, Stace has battled against the demons of her past to become a loving mother and her daughter, now aged 16, is fully supportive of her book. Stace now runs a blog and support group for other survivors of sexual abuse.

Book Details:

  • Author: Ann Cusack, , Stacey Don
  • On Submission
  • Rights Sold
    • UK: Reach
 Ann  Cusack,

Ann Cusack,

Ann Cusack is a busy mother of three. She is a hard-working journalist and writer; helping people tell their stories to the world.   Ann works under her company name Focus Features and for the past 30 years has been supplying news and features to a wide range of national and international publications. Based in Manchester, she sources, develops, and writes original true-life material.  
More about Ann Cusack,

Stacey Don

Stacey Don

Stacey Don, aged 35, lives with her daughter and her fiancée Keran, in Oldham.  In 2021 she launched ‘The Life of Stace Don’; a hugely popular blog which has followers from around the globe.  Stace offers a mixture of practical advice and emotional support to abuse survivors, helping them to navigate the legal and social services systems and help others to find their voice. She says: “I want to be there for children in the care system; I want to be that person that I never had. I’m not a victim, I’m a survivor, a survivor learning to live, and...
More about Stacey Don