Terrific endorsements for Rachel Kelly's Black Rainbow

Rachel Kelly’s memoir of deprssion has garnered some terrific endorsements icluding

’Rachel Kelly has written with bracing honesty and considerable courage about her own struggles with depression. She tells of both her own travails and the solutions to them, and her book will be immensely helpful to others in like circumstances.’  - Andrew Solomon, National Book Award winning author 


‘This book is written straight from the heart of darkness. Amazing.’ - Ruby Wax


‘An outstanding piece of work. I have never read anything so suitable for us to recommend to patients who have some form of diagnosis of depressive illness.’  - Daily Mail, Dr Martin Scurr


‘Heartstoppingly good’ - Mary Ann Sieghart, BBC presenter and journalist


A revelatory read and alchemic tale of personal transformation: Kelly turns the lead of depression into the gold of emotional health. Art, in this case, poetry, is movingly shown to be a royal route away from depression.’  - Oliver James, psychologist, television producer and author of They F*** You Up 


Rachel vividly and movingly describes the profound impact mental illness can have, not only on the person suffering but all those around them… But what makes Black Rainbow special is that it isn’t just a beautifully written exploration of the ravages of depression. It is also a hymn to the power of poetry to provide solace and a rich, inspiring resource for anyone who is coping with the challenges that life brings… not just maintaining mental health.’ Su Sayer CBE, Chief Executive of United Response  ‘A poignant and powerful description of one woman’s journey through the abyss of depression, how she found solace in poetry and the inner strength to recover. This book offers hope and inspiration to anyone whose lives have been touched by mental illness.’Marjorie Wallace CBE, SANE Founder