Empires in the Sun: The Struggle for the Mastery of Africa, 1830-1980
Lawrence James

Empires in the Sun: The Struggle for the Mastery of Africa, 1830-1980

An update of the classic The Scramble for Africa looking at the imperial experience of Africa between the early conquests of France in Algeria and Britain in South Africa to the independence movements of the mid-twentieth century .

Book Details:

  • Author: Lawrence James
  • Published Year: 2016
  • Rights Sold
    • China: Ginkgo
    • USA: Pegasus
    • China: Cite
    • Portugal: Grupo Edicoes Saida de Emergencia
Lawrence James

Lawrence James

Lawrence James was a founder member of York University and then took a research degree at Merton College, Oxford. After a distinguished teaching career he became a full-time writer in 1985 and has emerged as one of the outstanding narrative historians of his generation. His books include Crimea: The War with Russia in Contemporary Photographs, The Savage Wars: British Campaigns in Africa 1870-1920, Mutiny: Mutinies in British and Commonwealth Forces 1797-1956 and Imperial Rearguard: The Last Wars of Empire.Lawrence James edited the Daily Telegraph British Empire supplement (1997) and was th...
More about Lawrence James

Book Reviews

  • "Excellent survey of African history  from 1830 to 1990, Empires in the Sun is a brisk, well-written and jaunty account of European empire-building in Africa..it is old-fashoned history. It is filled with racy anecdotes. Intrigue and devious political calculations propel the fast-moving narrative. "
  • "Lawrence James's  feat in distilling 160 years of history into just 329 pages is remarkable. Those familiar with his distinguished backlist will be reassured to know that he writes as well as ever and is a sure-footed guide. The narrative is concise, occasionally a little too concise, and judiciously leavened with entertaining anecdotes and a humorous turn of phrase...The real merit of Empires in the Sun lies in its accessibility."
  • "...compelling, evenhanded and masterful narrative..."
    Literary Review