The story of a fifteen-year old evacuee from a London slum, Charley Brown, who quickly establishes himself as a gang leader in the West Country . Brown, one of Cary’s most memorable creations, is a delinquent and aesthete who leads his gang into daring acts both grand and bad.
Joyce Cary was born in 1888 into an old Anglo-Irish family and educated at Clifton. He studied art, first in Edinburgh and then in Paris , before going up to Trinity College, Oxford, in 1909 to read law. On coming down he served as a Red Cross orderly in the Balkan War of 1912-13,the inspiration for Memoir of the Bobotes , before joining the Nigerian Political Service. He served in the Nigeria Regiment during the First World War, was wounded while fighting in the Cameroons, and returned to civil duty in Nigeria in 1917 as a district officer. His time in Africa provided the inspiration for h...
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