We all buy things – food, clothes, TVs, insurance, a car, electricity supplies, phones, a loan, holidays, a home. But do we always buy what we want? And do we ever pay the right price? Or could we have fallen victim to the nodding donkey, nibbling, the puppy-dog, bait and switch, the slash-and-grab, SSI, auction fever, the valley of death, the khazi close, the yes-yes or any of over 100 sales techniques commonly used by people who want us to buy something from them?
There is a need for Would You Buy That? to expose the huge variety of tricks and traps that are used to sell to us, because the more we know about them, the better we’ll all be able to spot them and avoid being suckered. So next time you’re faced with the boomerang, the floater, the dance, the sneer, the scarcity sell, the Theatre of the Mind, sales jujitsu, a Columbo-Kojack, the sandwich or even just some simple mirroring and matching, you’ll know what’s happening and be better prepared to deal with it.
For over 20 years, David Craig has worked for and competed against some of the world's best and worst management consultancies. He has sold consulting in 15 countries in Europe, US and Asia to almost 100 organizations, including Disney, Mobil, Dupont, Roche, Air France, Eurotunnel, The NHS, CapGemini, Unilever and many others. He is the author of four other books on management and organizations
More about David Craig