Cathy has been a foster carer for over 25 years, during which time she has looked after more than 150 children, of all ages and backgrounds. She is a specialist foster carer, also referred to as a level three carer, which means she often looks after children with complex needs or those with very challenging behaviour. Much of her inspiration for writing comes from fostering. She was awarded a degree in education and psychology, as a mature student.
Cathy has always combined fostering with writing, rising very early every morning in order to write, before the day begins with her ever changing family. Prior to the publication of Damaged, her first fostering memoir, she had written short stories, articles, and poems for various national magazines and newspapers.
I found Andrew's details on a web site listing agents specialising in non-fiction. He was the second agent I emailed, the first, after initial enthusiasm kept me hanging around without any real decision or commitment. How different Andrew's approach was. From my first tentative contact, to the proposal going out, and an offer from a publisher took under two months! Much has happened for me in the last three years and my writing career has truly blossomed. But I would be the first to recognise that my success is a result of, and a testament to, Andrew's hard work and commitment, for without him I certainly wouldn't be where I am today.
The reissue of Cathy Glass’s Mummy Told Me Not To Tell remains a third week in the top ten dropping to no 9.
The reissue of Cathy Glass’s Mummy Told Me Not To Tell remains a second week in the top ten at no 6.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Mummy Told Me Not To Tell is at no 10 in The Sunday Times bookseller list this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose memoir Helpless remains for a fifth week in the top ten. This week she is at no 9.
Cathy Glass’s Helpless is no 4 this week, dropping from its no 1 slot.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose memoir Helpless is spending its third week at no 1 in the paperback non-fiction bestseller list.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest memoir Helpless has gone straight to no 1 in its first week of publication.
Cathy Glass’s Damaged remains for a third week in the top ten. This week at no 5.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose first book Damaged, published in 2007, was reissued last week and went straight into the top ten at number 5 in the paperback non-fiction bestseller list. This week it is at no 3.
Cathy Glass’s Unsafe is no 5 this week, its seventh week in the top ten.
Cathy Glass’s Unsafe is at number 3 on this week’s non-fiction paperback bestseller chart.
Cathy Glass’s Unsafe is no 3 this week.
Cathy Glass’s Unsafe has been narrowly knocked off the top spot in the paperback non-fiction list in its fourth week in the bestseller list.
Cathy Glass remains top of the paperback non-fiction chart for a third week for Unsafe.
Cathy Glass remains top of the paperback non-fiction chart for a second week for Unsafe.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest fostering memoir Unsafe has gone straight to number one in the non-fiction paperback charts .
Harper Collins have bought world rights in Cathy Glass’s latest fostering memoir At Risk.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose memoir Unwanted is Number 4 this week, Its ninth week in top ten.
Cathy Glass’s Unwanted is no 5 this week – its eighth week in the top ten.
Unwanted is no 7 in paperback non-fiction list.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest memoir Unwanted is Number 7 this week, its sixth week in the top ten.
Cathy Glass’s Unwanted remains in top 10 at no 3
Harper Collins have bought world rights in Cathy Glass’s latest fostering memoir The Last Child.
Cathy Glass remains in the top ten dropping one place to no 3
Cathy Glass’s memoir Unwanted is no 2 in the Sunday Times Top 10 non-fiction paperbacks this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest memoir Unwanted remains at no 1 in the paperback non-fiction list.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose memoir Unwanted is number one in the paperback non-fiction chart.
Cathy Glass’s A Family Torn Apart remains in the top ten for a seventh week – this time at number 10.
Cathy Glass’s A Family Torn Apart has dropped from no 4 to no 9 in the paperback non-fiction bestseller list.
Cathy Glass moves from no 3 to no 2 in the paperback non-fiction bestseller list for A Family Torn Apart.
Cathy Glass’s A Family Torn Apart is no 3 in paperback non-fiction chart this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose memoir A Family Torn Apart: Three sisters and a dark secret that threatens to separate them for ever remains for a second week at no 1 in the paperback non fiction list .
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose memoir A Family Torn Apart: Three sisters and a dark secret that threatens to separate them for ever has gone straight to no 1 in the paperback non fiction list on only a half week of sales.
For a third week running Cathy Glass’s fostering memoir Neglected is at no 8 , it’s sixth week in the top ten.
For a third week running Cathy Glass’s fostering memoir Neglected is at no 8 , it’s sixth week in the top ten.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose memoir Neglected continues to be a bestseller for a third week- this week at number 3
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest fostering memoir Neglected remains at no 1.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest fostering memoir Neglected has gone straight to no 1 on its first part week sales.
Harper Collins have bought world rights in Cathy Glass’s latest fostering memoir A Family Torn Apart.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass who remains in the top ten for An Innocent Baby.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose An Innocent Baby remains for a seventh week in the Sunday Times bestseller list- this week at number 7.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass who remains in the top ten at no 5 with An Innocent Baby
Cathy Glass’s An Innocent Baby is no 7 this week.
Cathy Glass’s An Innocent Baby remains at no 1 in the non-fiction paperback bestseller list with over 500 reviews and 94% of them 5*.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest memoir An Innocent Baby has gone straight into the bestseller list at no 1.
Harper Collins have bought world rights in Cathy Glass’s latest fostering memoir Neglected.
Cathy Glass’s A Life Lost is no 10 in this week’s bestseller list.
Cathy Glass’s A Life Lost remains in the top ten for a seventh week.
Cathy Glass’s A Life Lost is #8 in the Non Fiction paperback chart.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose A Life Lost remains for a fifth week in the Sunday Times bestseller list at no 6
Cathy Glass spends a fourth week in the Sunday Times bestseller list for A Life Lost – this week no 5.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose A Life Lost is no 3 this week.
For a second week Cathy Glass’s A Life Lost is no 1.
Cathy Glass’s A Life Lost has gone straight into the bestseller list at no 1.
Cathy Glass’s A Terrible Secret is back in the Sunday Times paperback non-fiction chart at #10
Harper Collins have bought world rights in Cathy Glass’s latest fostering memoir A Monster For A Father.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose A Terrible Secret has spent a fifth week in the Sunday Times top ten non-fiction paperback- this week at no no 8
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose A Terrible Secret is a top ten bestseller for a third week – this time at no 8
Cathy Glass’s A Terrible Secret remains a Sunday Times Bestseller at #4 in the paperback chart.
Cathy Glass’s latest memoir, A Terrible Secret, published this week has immediately become a Sunday Times Number One Bestseller
Harper Collins have bought world rights in Cathy Glass’s latest fostering memoir A Life Lost about ten year-old Jackson.
According to Nielsen, Cathy Glass was in the top ten for memoir since lock-down for Too Scared to Tell.
A fourth week for Cathy Glass’s Too Scared To Tell in the Sunday Times non-fiction paperback chart. This week no 9.
Cathy Glass’s memoir Too Scared to Tell is no 9 in this week’s non-fiction paperback bestseller list.
Cathy Glass’s Too Scared To Tell for a third week is at no 3 in the Sunday Times non-fiction paperback chart.
Cathy Glass’s new book Too Scared To Tell remains at no 3 in the Sunday Times non-fiction paperback chart.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose new book Too Scared To Tellis #3 in the Sunday Times non-fiction paperback chart after only a few days on sale.
Harper Collins have bought World rights in Cathy Glass’s A Dreadful Secret, the story of fourteen-year old Layla who puts herself into foster care because of problems at home.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Innocent is no 8 this week.
Cathy Glass’s Innocent remains in the paperback non-fiction list at no 9.
Cathy Glass’s Innocent is at Number 7 in the Sunday Times paperback non-fiction bestsellers list.
Cathy Glass’s Innocent is Number 7 in the Sunday Times paperback chart this week
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Innocent remains at Number 3 in the Sunday Times paperback bestsellers this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose new fostering memoir Innocent has charted at Number 3 in the paperback Sunday Times Bestsellers list this week.
Harper Collins have bought world rights in Cathy Glass’s latest fostering memoir Too Scared to Tell.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose memoir Finding Stevie remains in the top ten at no 9.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose memoir Finding Stevie is Number 5 in the Sunday Times non fiction paperback bestsellers.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose new memoir Finding Stevie has charted at number 5 on the Sunday Times paperback Bestsellers list in its first part week.
Harper Collins have bought world rights in Cathy Glass’s next fostering memoir. Innocent is the true story of little Molly and Kit, siblings, aged 3 years and 18 months, who are brought into care as an emergency after suffering non-accidental injuries. It will be her 31st book and 23rd fostering memoir.
Cathy Glass’s Where Has Mummy Gone? is Number 6 in the Sunday Times Bestsellers this week .
Cathy Glass’s Where Has Mummy Gone? remains at Number 5 in the Sunday Times paperback bestsellers this week .
Cathy Glass’s Where Has Mummy Gone? is at Number 5 in the paperback bestsellers this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Where Has Mummy Gone? is at Number 4 in the Sunday Times paperback bestsellers this week - its fifth week in the top four.
Cathy Glass’s Where Has Mummy Gone? is no 3 for a fifth week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Where Has Mummy Gone? remains steady at Number 3 in the paperback bestsellers this week.
Cathy Glass’s Where Has Mummy Gone? is number 3 for a third week in the Sunday Times paperback bestsellers.
Cathy Glass’s Where Has Mummy Gone? is at Number 3 in the Sunday Times paperback bestsellers chart for a second week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Where Has Mummy Gone? is Number 3 in the Sunday Times paperback Bestsellers this week after just a few days of sales.
Harper Collins have bought world rights in Cathy Glass’s latest fostering memoir Lost Boy about gender fluid Stevie.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose A Long Way from Home is again number 10 in the Sunday Times paperback bestsellers this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose A Long Way from Home is number 10 in the Sunday Times paperback bestsellers this week.
Cathy Glass’s A Long Way From Home remains in the bestseller lists - this week at no 9.
Cathy Glass’s fostering memoir A Long Way From Home remains in the bestseller list at no 8.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest book is spending a fourth week in the charts. A Long Way From Home is Number 7 in the Sunday Times paperbacks this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest memoir A Long Way From Home is no. 4 in the Sunday Times non-fiction paperback chart this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose A Long Way From Home is at Number 2 in the Sunday Times paperback bestsellers this week
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest memoir, published this week, A Long Way From Home is Number One on the Sunday Times Bestsellers Paperbacks this week.
Collins have bought World rights in Cathy Glass’s latest fostering memoir Where has Mummy Gone?, the story of eight-year old Melody.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Cruel to be Kind is number 18 in the Sunday Times this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Cruel to be Kind is no 10 in the paperback non-fiction bestseller list this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest memoir Cruel to be Kind is Number 9 in the Sunday Times Paperback bestsellers this week.
Cathy Glass’s Cruel to be Kind is at Number 8 in the paperback charts this week – its ninth week in the Top 10.
Cathy Glass’s Cruel to Be Kind is at Number 6 this week in the Sunday Times paperback bestsellers .
Cathy Glass’s Cruel to be Kind is at Number 8 in the paperback bestsellers this week, its sixth week in the Sunday Times Top 10 .
Cathy Glass’s latest fostering Cruel To Be Kind is no 6 this week, having been no 4 last week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass who remains at no 3 in the paperback non-fiction list for Cruel To Be Kind.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose memoir Cruel to Be Kind is number 3 in the paperback non-fiction charts this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Cruel to Be Kind is Number 3 in the Sunday Times Bestseller list this week.
Cathy Glass’s Cruel to be Kind has hit the Sunday Times Paperback bestsellers at Number 2 , its first week of publication.
Collins have bought world rights in Cathy Glass’s latest fostering memoir A Long Way From Home, the story of Anna originally brought up in a state orphanage.
Cathy Glass’s Nobody’s Son has retained its Number 18 place in the charts this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Nobody’s Son remains at Number 18 in the Sunday Times bestsellers this week.
Cathy Glass’s Nobody’s Son is at Number 18 in the paperback non-fiction bestsellers this week. It has been in the bestseller list continuously since 1st March spending the first two weeks at no 1.
Cathy Glass’s Nobody’s Son remains in the bestseller list for another week - this time at no 13.
Cathy Glass’s Nobody’s Son is at Number 12 in the Sunday Times Bestsellers this week .
Cathy Glass’s Nobody’s Son remains in the paperback non-fiction list for a sixth week - this time at no 13.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose fostering memoir Nobody’s Son remains in the top ten paperback non-fiction list for a fifth week - this week no 9.
Cathy Glass’s latest fostering memoir Nobody’s Son remains at number 6 in the Sunday Times Paperback bestsellers this week
Nobody’s Son by Cathy Glass remains in the Top 10 Sunday Times bestseller non-fiction paperback list at Number 6 .
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest fostering memoir Nobody’s Son remains at Number One in the Sunday Times non-fiction paperback bestseller list for a second week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest fostering memoir Nobody’s Son has gone straight to Number 1 in the Sunday Times Paperback Bestsellers this week.
Harper Collins have bought world rights in Cruel To Be Kind, Cathy Glass’s account of fostering six year old Max.
Can I Let You Go? by Cathy Glass remains in the top 20 - this week at number 17.
Cathy Glass’s Can I Let You Go? remains in the charts for an eighth consecutive week - this time no 14.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Can I Let You Go? is spending a seventh week in the top ten non-fiction paperback list.
Cathy Glass’s Can I Let You Go? remains in the top ten paperback non-fiction list - this week at no 8.
Cathy Glass’s Can I Let You Go? has moved from two to six in the paperback non-fiction bestseller list.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Can I Let You Go? remains at number 2 in the paperback Sunday Times bestseller list.
Cathy Glass’s Can I Let You Go? is Number 2 again in the Sunday Times non-fiction Paperback Bestsellers list.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose new memoir Can I Let You Go? has gone straight into the paperback non-fiction lists at no 2.
Cathy Glass’s The Silent Cry is no 19 in paperback non-fiction list and has now spent three months in the bestseller lists.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose The Silent Cry is no 11 this week.
Cathy Glass’s The Silent Cry remains in the bestseller lists - this week at no 12.
Cathy Glass’s The Silent Cry is at no 9.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose The Silent Cry is at Number 8 this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose The Silent Cry remains in the top ten for a sixth week.
Cathy Glass’s new book The Silent Cry is at number 3 this week in the paperback non-fiction bestseller list. That now makes it an amazing five weeks in the top ten.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose The Silent Cry remains at no 2 in paperback non-fiction list for a third week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose The Silent Cry remains at no 2.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose The Silent Cry is Number 2 in the Non-Fiction paperback bestsellers this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose The Silent Cry has gone straight to No. 1 in the non-fiction paperback best sellers this week.
Cathy Glass’s Girl Alone is still at Number 9 this week in the non-fiction paperback charts making two agency titles in the top ten.
Cathy Glass’s Girl Alone is Number 9 in the non-fiction paperback charts this week .Her ninth week in the top ten.
Cathy Glass’s memoir Girl Alone remains in the top ten paperback non-fiction list for an eighth week running.
Cathy Glass’s Girl Alone remains in the top ten bestseller list for another week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Girl Alone is Number 3 in the Sunday Times paperback best sellers this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Girl Alone remains at no 2 in the paperback non-fiction bestseller list.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Girl Alone remains no 2.
Cathy Glass’s Girl Alone remains at no 2 in the paperback non-fiction bestseller chart for a third week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest memoir Girl Alone holds its Number 2 position in the Sunday Times paperback bestsellers this week.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose Girl Alone is no 6 and Irene Kelly and Katy Weitz whose Sins of the Mother is no 14 in today’s official UK bestseller list in The Bookseller.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose new memoir, Girl Alone, has charted at Number 2 in the Sunday Times paperback bestsellers charts this week.
Cathy Glass’s latest inspirational memoir for Harper Collins, Saving Danny, has had a great review in the Daily Mirror.
A trip to WH Smith at the weekend witnessed a score of titles from agency clients Casey Watson, Cathy Glass and Lynne Barrett-Lee on display.
Cathy Glass’s new fostering memoir The Child Bride is number six this week in the paperback nonfiction bestseller list, her seventh consecutive week in the top six.
There are currently two agency titles in the top six, and three in the top sixteen.
Cathy Glass’s new memoir The Child Bride is number 2 in the charts again this week.
Cathy Glass’s new fostering memoir The Child Bride is already climbing the charts:
Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #36 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#1 in Books > Society, Politics & Philosophy > Government & Politics
#1 in Kindle Store > Books > Biography & True Accounts > Memoirs
#1 in Books > Biography > Social & Health Issues > Child Abuse
Cathy Glass’s powerful new fostering memoir Child Bride has gone straight to #3 in the iTunes bestseller list.
Congratulations to Deborah Crewe, the ghost for Coming Up Trumps, at number 7; and Rachel Kelly, author of Black Rainbow, at number 10 in this week’s Sunday Times hardback non-fiction list.
Cathy Glass’s Daddy’s Little Princess is at number 8 in the paperback non-fiction list.
Cathy Glass’s latest fostering memoir Daddy’s Little Princess remains at Number Four in the Sunday Times bestseller list.
Cathy Glass’s latest fostering memoir Daddy’s Little Princess has gone straight into the bestseller list at number 4, despite only being on sale for part of the week.
Cathy Glass’s new creative writing guide About Writing has gone straight to number one in its Amazon category.
Many congratulations to Cathy Glass who was third and fifth respectively in the Sunday Times bestselling memoirs of the year with Please Don’t Take My Baby, published in April, selling 48,145 copies and Will You Love Me? , published in September, selling 40,625 copies.
“In this latest book from bestselling author Cathy Glass, she tells the story of her own adopted daughter Lucy. Taking us back to the start of Lucy’s life with her mother Bonnie, Cathy Glass shows us how Bonnie struggles to care for her daughter. Lucy’s Thai father disappears, leaving Bonnie to battle with her own depression and isolation. Lucy’s early years are spent outside the radar of social services, and even once her needs are brought to the attention of the authorities she spends many years drifting in and out of foster care.”
Cathy Glass and her daughter Lucy are interviewed in today’s Daily Mirror, as the full version of Will You Love Me? goes on sale.
“I have fostered 200 kids, but Lucy’s eyes were haunted and my heart went out to her - she was destined to be my daughter”
In an exciting development, Cathy Glass’s new book Will You Love Me? is being released in three staggered installments, before the full launch on September 12. Part Two is now on sale, for just £1.99.
A recent trip to Asda included the pleasurable sight of four agency authors on display: Casey Watson, Cathy Glass, Kris Hollington and Kirk Norcross.
Cathy Glass’s Damaged is at number 11 in this week’s New York Times non-fiction bestseller list, making it seven consecutive weeks in the top twenty.
After the recent success of Damaged, Cathy Glass’s I Miss Mummy has been chosen by Amazon for its very successful Kindle 100 programme. For the next month, the book will be heavily promoted, and available to US readers for just $1.99.
More success for Cathy Glass, whose book A Baby’s Cry was the 17th bestselling memoir of 2012, below Tulisa but above Justin Bieber.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose latest fostering memoir Neglected remains at no 1.
For a third week running Cathy Glass’s fostering memoir Neglected is at no 8 , it’s sixth week in the top ten.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass whose memoir Unwanted is number one in the paperback non-fiction chart.
According to Nielsen, Cathy Glass was in the top ten for memoir since lock-down for Too Scared to Tell.
Congratulations to Cathy Glass who remains in the top ten for An Innocent Baby.
Cathy Glass is probably the most successful current writer of inspirational memoir . In this Q&a...Read more
Foster carer Cathy Glass, whose misery memoir Damaged was a no 1 in hardback and paperback and wh...Read more
Cathy Glass’s first book Damaged was a no 1 bestseller in hardback and has gone straight in...Read more